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Post-submission tips of an article

Most scientific journals are now equipped with journal management systems. In this regard, as soon as an author submits an article to a journal, s/he receives an automatic thank you e-mail. Some journals have stricter rules and ask for the e-mail address of all the authors involved in the article. Therefore, after submission, the thank you notes will be sent to all the author not the submitting author as a means of validating the authors’ identity.

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Tips before the submission of an article

Before any decision to submit an article for a journal, the authors should consider some important issues. As a researcher, you can firstly ask a colleague to read your draft and give you his/her honest feedback. It is essential to choose a person who has not been involved in the article to have his/her unbiased criticism. Moreover, s/he should be warranted that his/her comments do not affect his/her relationship with you.

Stylistic elements of a scientific article,research paper editing,edit academic paper,edit paper English,paper editing

Stylistic elements of a scientific article

The main purpose of an article is to be published in media in order to inform the audience about some new changes to the word. Depending on the type of an article, the writing style of an article may vary. An academic article is the one which should follow not only an organized the format but also a consistent style. This essay deals with the stylistic issues that a researcher need to take into consideration.

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Writing a medical article

An article is the byproduct of a research project written to inform the community of researchers about the project and avoid the performance of simultaneous similar studies. In this regard, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors presented a framework for research articles to enhance the quality of medical science and consistency among the medical researchers. Although the medical findings of the research can be presented in various formats, including case studies, a research article should generally have the following sections.

Declaration of Helsinki,research paper editing,edit academic paper,edit paper English

Declaration of Helsinki

Regarding the ethical issues in research, this Declaration was first adopted by the World Medical Association in 1964 at Helsinki to guide the biomedical researchers working with human participants. There were some modifications to the Declaration of Helsinki and the final revision was made in 2000 in Scotland. During 2002 and 2004, two clauses were added to two principles in this declaration. This declaration includes 32 articles in 3 sections. The following part explains some of the principals mentioned in the Declaration of Helsinki. 


Ethics in Research

Research ethics were first introduced as a result of Nuremberg trials in 1947 at the end of World Wide II when  23 doctors and bureaucrats were accused in the trials of military courts for their cruel rules against humanity. The reason for this was that a large number of physicians and military authorities conducted their experiments on a large number of individuals, who are unaware of the conducted studies. These experiments led to a high mortality rate. In this regard, the following ten points of the code were proposed to stop this condition:

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Sample size determination

Sample size determination is an important step in conducting research since it should provide the necessary information about the population of the study. In case the sample size is smaller than expected, the obtained results of the study cannot be generalized to the target population. On the other hand, the larger the sample size the more precise the findings. However, it is not usually possible to have a large sample size due to research limitations, such as cost, time, or the convenience of collecting the data. There are different approaches to calculating the sample size:

Regardless of the employed method of sample size determination, it is worth considering the following points:

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Sample size determination depends on the type of the main variables of the study whether qualitative or quantitative. In fact, a smaller size of the sample is required when the variables are qualitative.

A smaller sample size is required in interventional studies when the intervention is strong enough. When the study is descriptive commonly the larger groups are expected to reach the best results.

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    Nonprobability sampling

    Nonprobability sampling is a type of sampling, where members of the sample are not chosen randomly. Unlike probability sampling, all members of the population do not have an equal chance of being selected for the study. As a result, the obtained results of such studies cannot be generalized to the members of the target population. Read more about Nonprobability sampling[…]

    DoNotEdit,Probability Sampling,research paper editing,edit paper English

    Probability Sampling

    In general, sampling is conducted in two types of probability sampling and non-probability sampling. In probability sampling there is an equal chance for all members of a population to be selected for the study. Therefore, each member has a known chance of being randomly chosen in the sample. The types of probability sampling are presented below.


    Studies without control groups

    There is a type of research conducted without any control groups. These studies cannot be considered trials and are mostly employed to investigate a method of diagnosis rather than examining the effect of a treatment or drug. The main disadvantage of these studies is that the researchers may consider their own method as the best available method since there is no comparison.

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