Selection criteria for being indexed in Ebsco

In 1944, Elton B. Stephens founded Ebsco database in the United States that is currently considered as one of the largest publishers and collectors of various types of resource and information, including full-text journals, newspapers, and other information sources

Criteria for indexing in EbscoIt provides services to the world library industry with a customer-centric approach.

Ebsco is one of the pioneers in providing research databases, electronic magazines, magazine subscriptions, e-books, and services to a variety of libraries that were paid to have access to.

The requirements for being indexed in Ebsco

 17 scientific committees in Ebsco seeking to index the journals with the highest impact factors among researchers.

In order to find more efficient journals with better quality, these committees pay close attention to the following items:

  1. The scientific quality of journal content
  2. The absence of the journals on suspicious websites
  3. An appropriate scientific impact factor based on the statistical reports
  4. The consideration of the principles of publication ethics and the authors’ consent

It should be taken into account that before submitting a journal indexing application in Ebsco, first the journal eligibility must be assessed because the journal will be deprived for five years after each rejection.

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