Content of a Research Paper

One of the most important aspects of a scientific paper is its scientific content and qualitative value. A paper must report important findings in human knowledge and contain a clear message.
Content of a Research PaperSo before writing a paper, the researcher must ask her/himself whether his ideas are important enough to be published? Will others benefit from it? Will the results of this research affect others’ work? Here we will point out some important principles of research content which will help you improve the quality of your paper.


It is an attempt to discover the unknown using existing sciences. Thus, the most fundamental aim of scientific research is to illuminate the unknown. Thus, every scientific research seeks to answer questions that have not yet been perceived by the audience. So, scientific research always begins by asking one or more questions that the researcher seeks to answer.


Logic teaches us the right way to think and reason, and is the essential tool of a scientific paper. A researcher must be capable of reasoning, content analyzing, and drawing conclusions. All the researchers should pay attention to the logical features of a scientific paper, including rules of definition, classification, inductive and deductive reasoning, as well as different sampling methods.

Cohesion and Coherence

The relevance of various parts of the article to each other and to the main title as well as subtitles of the article, make a research paper cohesive and coherent. Thus, the researcher should separate the subtitles of his article based on a logical order. She/he should also identify the relationship between the sections.


The purpose of the research is to answer questions that have not been reasonably answered, at least for the researcher. So, any scientific research must, on the one hand, discover new knowledge, and on the other, complete the existing knowledge. The main purpose of the research is to discover or supplement human knowledge, not to repeat it in different terms.

Relevance to the Current Needs of the Scientific Community

All scientific research should consider the basic needs of its scientific community and seek to address those issues. So, the author should avoid topics that are not of priority in the field of research and the scientific community does not need.

Creativity and Innovation

Scientific research which possesses fresh and original ideas can be successful and effective in promoting the level of knowledge. Articles that only collect ideas from here and there, do not play a major role in the advancement of human knowledge.

Essential Explanation

One of the things that the researchers should note in their own research report is to avoid extreme marginalization and over-exaggeration. But this should not result in vagueness.

Relevance to the Theories

Each discipline consists of theories and rules that are agreed upon by those skilled in that field. The findings of any research should not conflict with the general rules of that field.

Avoiding Generalization

The final goal of a research paper is to propose a hypothesis and explain one of the important principles of that hypothesis. So, the researcher must be able to explain her/his scientific theories clearly and avoid generalization.

Reporting the Research Methodology

Research is a process through which one can seek and obtain the necessary knowledge about the unknown and acquire the needed knowledge. Methodology of the research is the gathering of evidence and converting them to findings. It is very important to collect and interpret data in a way that their ambiguity is reduced to the least. Scientific research can prove its hypotheses only if it has a proper methodology.


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