Acceptance and publishing the article

The final editing is performed after the article acceptance and before its publication, which varies from one journal to another.

Acceptance and publishing the articleThis edition includes spell checking, punctuation, refinement of the sentences, elimination of the grammatical ambiguities, and section reviews  with a high probability of error (abstract, statistical sections, shapes, tables, and references) in the editorial office of some journals.

The technical editor is responsible for the error correction. After this step, you will be presented with a ready-to-publish draft of the article for the final review. At this point, your article, even in terms of layout, is like a final copy published in the journal. You need to read each word carefully to find all the possible typographical errors, especially in the tables. If there is a mistake in the published version, you will be in charge.

You are not allowed to make major changes at this stage. The maximum change you can make is one or two words. Some journals have specific guidelines for modifying the pre-published version of the article, which must be precisely followed.

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