What Is a Thesis Statement?
A thesis statement is a sentence that expresses the main idea of an essay or a research paper. In this statement, the authors state their beliefs or what they intend to argue in their research study. The statement is clear and concise, with only one or two sentences.
Thesis Statement — A Necessity in Thesis Writing
A thesis statement expresses the idea of the research paper in one or two sentences. It also organizes your essay summary and develops the research argument or opinion. The statement is important because it lets the reader know what you are talking about and how you approach the research topic. Additionally, the statement serves as a map for the paper and helps the authors to track and organize their thoughts more effectively.
A thesis statement can prevent the writer from getting lost in a complex and directionless discussion. Finally, it ensures that the research paper remains relevant and focused on the objective.
Where to Include the Thesis Statement?
The thesis statement is usually placed at the end of the introduction section of the research paper. It usually contains a single sentence from the author’s point of view on the topic and provides specific guidance for readers throughout the article.
6 Steps to Write an Impactful Thesis Statement
Step 1 – Analyze the Literature
Identify the knowledge gaps in the relevant research paper. Analyze the deeper implications of the author’s research discussion. Is the research objective stated in the thesis statement consistent with what is stated in the discussion or conclusion? Does the author contradict himself? Is there a large information gap in establishing a relevant research objective? Has the author correctly understood and validated the fundamental theories? Does the author support an argument without having supporting literature to cite? Answering these or related questions will help writers create a working thesis and give their thesis a clear direction and structure.
Step 2 – Start with a Question
While developing a working thesis, early in the writing process, you may already have a research question. Strong research questions help to guide study design and define and identify specific objectives. These objectives help the writer in formatting the thesis statement.
Step 3 – Develop the Answer
After a preliminary investigation, the author can formulate a tentative answer to the research question. At this point, the answer can be simple enough to guide the research and writing process. After writing the initial answer, the author can further explain why this answer was chosen. After reading more about the research topic, he/she can write and revise the answers to the research questions.
Step 4 – Write the First Draft of the Thesis Statement
After ideating the working thesis statement, make sure to write it down. It is disheartening to create a great idea for a thesis and then forget it when you lose concentration. The first draft will help you think clearly and logically. It will provide you with an option to align your thesis statement with the defined research objectives.
Step 5 – Anticipate Counter Arguments against the Statement
After developing a working thesis, you should think about what might be said against it. A list of arguments will help you refute the thesis later. Remember that every argument has a counter-argument, and if yours lacks this, what you state is not an argument; rather, it may be a fact or opinion, not an argument.
Step 6 – Refine the Statement
Anticipating counterarguments will help you refine your statement further. To write a strong thesis statement, you should pay attention to the following points:
Why has your research maintained this position?
What will readers learn from the article?
Are your key points argumentative or narrative?
Does the thesis statement summarize your argument or the entire topic you intend to explain in the research paper?
5 Tips to Create a Compelling Thesis Statement
The thesis statement is an important part of any academic essay. Clearly stating the main idea of the research will help you focus on the goals of your essay. When preparing your statement, consider the following points:
1. Keep it Concise
The statement should be short and precise. It should contain no more than a couple of sentences.
2. Make it Specific
The statement should be focused on a specific topic or argument. Covering too many topics will only make your paper weaker.
3. Express an Opinion
The statement should have an opinion on an issue or controversy. This will make your paper arguable and interesting to read.
4. Be Assertive
The statement should be stated assertively and not hesitantly or apologetically. Remember, you are making an argument – you need to sound convincing!
5. Support with Evidence
The thesis should be supported with evidence from your paper. Make sure you include specific examples from your research to reinforce your objectives.
Thesis Statement Examples
Example 1 – Alcohol Consumption
Drinking too much alcohol has harmful effects on your personal health, such as weight gain, heart disease, and liver problems.
This thesis statement gives specific reasons why alcohol consumption is harmful. It is not required to mention every single detriment you will be mentioning in your thesis.
Example 2 – Benefits of the Internet
The internet is a means of making proper communication among people all over the world, creating new friendships, and exchanging ideas that have not happened before its inception.
While the internet offers many advantages, the statement is a choice of capabilities that foster new friendships and the exchange of ideas. Also, this research should prove how communication between people around the world was not possible before the internet started, which is a focused research statement.
Thesis statements are not fully researched and are merely examples to help you understand how to write a thesis statement. Also, you should avoid using these phrases for the purposes of your research paper.
A compelling thesis statement is enhanced by understanding it from the reader’s perspective. Be careful not to create topics that only interest you and attract fewer readers. Some difficult yet necessary questions to ask yourself are “Why should readers read my article? Is this article worth reading? Would I read this article if I weren’t the author?”
The thesis statement advertises your research paper. It makes readers excited about what specific information it contains. This helps them learn new facts and possibly express new opinions.
Writing a thesis statement (albeit two sentences) can be a daunting task. I hope this article has helped you write a compelling thesis statement!
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