How Online Videos Can Help Researchers Promote Their Research

Scientists rely on research promotion to expand their ideas. There are many ways to promote research. Online videos are one of the most important options available that scientists choose more than ever to promote their academic research.

How Online Videos Can Help Researchers

Forum, Blog, and Academic Platform for Research Promotion

Academic journals are an avenue into the scientific community. Journals provide forums for spreading ideas and highlighting new academic research. Additionally, blogs are another way that scientists can distribute their work. Blogs are considered a dedicated community of scientists. They use blogs to promote research focusing on the topics of interest. Also, scientists rely on universities to provide them with a platform for promoting their work. This platform can be provided through classes, seminars, speeches, and campus activities.

However, there is another option that more and more scientists are choosing to promote their academic research: Online Videos.

Main Benefits of Using Online Video to Promote Academic Research

Scientists understand how difficult it is for others to access their research. As biologist Adrian A. Smith says, “I’d realized that most people would be lost in my papers’ technical jargon and formatting.”  Therefore, Smith titled his article “YouTube your Science”. He believes that doing these models of things will allow scientists to reach a wider audience. With that in mind, here are some approaches scientists can follow now.

There are many benefits to using online videos for research promotion.

Reaching a Wider Audience

Posting a video of your research on social media allows it to reach a wider audience. Social media provides a direct link to countless people across the world. This form of networking is greatly beneficial to scientists. It can also lead to further discussions about research topics and collaboration among researchers.

A More Personal Approach

Just like a teacher in a classroom, an online video is like the researcher is speaking to you. This is more personal than simply reading an article.

In addition, this format allows the researcher to thoroughly explain his research ideas. These ideas might not be clear when read in a journal article.

Promoting Published Papers

Video abstracts serve as an introduction to a published paper and are an excellent way to promote research. Video abstracts do not require much time or technical expertise. They can be a good way to increase awareness and readership of a scientist’s research.

An Example of a Short Online Video

The research of Adrian A. Smith focuses on ants. He was concerned that he would not be able to effectively extend his research through articles only. Therefore, he needed to use the format of a short video. Smith began by filming his conversation about his research. He then added some visual aids to his script. These visual aids included pictures of ants and diagrams of chemicals that ants used in communication. Then, he was able to go deeper into the details of his research. The combination of his script with visual effects gave him the power to explain the importance of his research more effectively. This method gives viewers an easier approach to understanding the researchers’ study and their findings.

Tips for Creating Effective Online Video Summaries

Here are some steps you can take to create an effective video:

  1. Gather the equipment needed to make a video.
  2. Choose the format. Do you want the video to resemble a lecture? Or, do you want it to be more interactive?
  3. Write a script. With the length of the video in mind, you will be able to outline a script.
  4. Record, edit, and upload the video.
  5. Take advantage of e-tools. There are plenty of e-tools a researcher can use to make online videos. In addition, there are also software programs for reference management, keyword optimization, and impact tracking.
  6. Promote your video. Have a strong social media strategy in place to drive traffic to your videos. Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are good for networking with other academics, students, and professionals. Be sure to keep your information up-to-date. Upload new research and links to your work and make the content interesting and relevant.

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