How to write a thesis? (Part 4)

14. Learn the Principles of Research Methodology

Students who do not know the proper, scientific, and professional methods of conducting a research will not be able to design a good questionnaire, have a good review of the literature, and may not have a professional writing based on the research topic and questions.

An undesirable methodology will lead to undesirable findings and finally reduce your ability to make conclusions.

15. Learn the Principles of Research Questions

A good thesis starts with good research questions. When someone reads your dissertation, they should understand what you are looking for and intended to write. The research questions can be obtained by reviewing the related literature. You should try to find questions which are related to the subject of your thesis.

The purpose of the research questions is to fill out scientific gaps. The research questions of your thesis should solve a problem. But notice that you are not going to perform a miracle in your thesis. Through your research, you can determine whether or not these questions are correct and provide future researchers with good ideas.

Some researchers believe that research questions should start with a “null question” and that subsequent questions should either reject or confirm the question. But anyway, there are different approaches towards the research questions that you can learn by reading books and articles.

16. Learn the Difference Between Conclusion and Findings

In findings section, you only review your research findings and perform data analysis based on your research method. But in the conclusion, you present a discussion or in other words, interpret your findings. Professional researchers align their interpretations of their research findings with those of other researchers to make the final product more practical and rational.

17. Make Use of International References

There are websites for downloading theses from other countries which you can use. You can find edited and defended dissertations on such websites.

18. Interact with Domestic Teachers

There are other professors in other universities that supervise similar theses of other students. You can consult them in the process of writing your thesis. This also enables you to get familiar with different professors and plan collaborations with them in future.

19. Interact with Foreign Professors

This is essential for those who:

  • Plan to get admissions from universities abroad.
  • Intend to receive scholarships from universities abroad.
  • Aim to receive scholarships based on research assistantship.
  • Have multiple purposes of writing their thesis.
  • Intend to use the advice of foreign professors in reviewing resources.
  • Intend to use international academic papers for references.
  • Intend to attend international conferences.

It is very important to interact with professors. The more you collaborate with reputable journal authors in international journals and use their opinions to write a thesis, the more mature your end product will get.

Provision of an English-language version of the thesis to a group of professors can provide you with good opportunities.

20. Summarize Your Thesis

Summarizing your article or thesis is the last thing to do. Having a decent summary of a good thesis will help you have a good resume and boost your credentials.

Related Articles:

How to write a thesis? (Part 3)

How to write a thesis? (Part 2)

How to write a thesis?

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