How to make a manuscript visible online

How to make a manuscript visible online before it becomes accepted by a journal?

If you want to make a manuscript visible online before it becomes accepted by a journal, the author can distribute it on the Internet or post it on a website. You should label the paper with the date and with a statement that the paper has not (yet) been published. Therefore, it is not an authoritative Read more about How to make a manuscript visible online before it becomes accepted by a journal?[…]

Blacklisted Journals Predatory Journals

What Are the Blacklisted Journals and How Can You Recognize Them?

What Are the Blacklisted Journals? Invalid journals are journals that have an online site and a specific ISSN number. Blacklisted journals use online site and an ISSN number to publish articles. Currently, these journals becomes invalid for reasons such as: Printing too many articles in one issue Short-term refereeing Publishing articles unrelated to the scope Read more about What Are the Blacklisted Journals and How Can You Recognize Them?[…]

Writing a Research Manuscript

Important Tips for Writing a Research Manuscript

To write a research manuscript from a thesis or from raw data after statistical analysis, various skills are needed, including specialized translation, editing, checking English grammar and language, checking the credibility of journals and plagiarism, etc. But there are some skills that are not mentioned in any course or workshop or training video. In this Read more about Important Tips for Writing a Research Manuscript[…]

literature review

Systematic Literature Review or Literature Review?

As a researcher, you may be asked to conduct a literature review of your research. But what kind of review do you need to complete your research? Is this review needs to be a systematic literature review or a standard literature review? In this DoNotEdit article, we explain the purpose of a systematic literature review, Read more about Systematic Literature Review or Literature Review?[…]

ncrease Public Participation with Your Research Article

5 Steps to Increase Public Participation with Your Research Article

After you’ve spent months and maybe even years on your academic research and now finally have it published, what happens next? Will the general public read and understand your research? Will this article sit on someone’s shelf and collect dust or will it attract the attention of the general public? After all, the ultimate goal Read more about 5 Steps to Increase Public Participation with Your Research Article[…]

5 Tips to Write a Scientific Article

5 Tips to Write a Scientific Article When You Lack Motivation

Writing a scientific article usually requires high focus and extensive research. It is required that you put all your focus on delivering a top-notch research paper. When you feel unmotivated, it is not the time to write scientific articles. Lack of motivation can be caused by many factors. Maybe something like remembering some incoming test Read more about 5 Tips to Write a Scientific Article When You Lack Motivation[…]

What Is Statistical Validity

What Is Statistical Validity? Understanding Trends in Validating Research Data

In this DoNotEdit article, we will review recent trends in the statistical validity of research data. If you want to know how to increase the visibility of your research paper with the help of SEO, click here. With an aim to understand, analyze, and draw conclusions based on large amounts of data that are often Read more about What Is Statistical Validity? Understanding Trends in Validating Research Data[…]


Writing the acknowledgements section of a research paper

The general belief is that the acknowledgements section of a typical research paper is the easiest part to write. This is why most books on writing research papers often skip this section. Nonetheless, acknowledgements can be quite tricky. Forgetting to acknowledge people whom you should have acknowledged, runs the risk of offending them. However, even Read more about Writing the acknowledgements section of a research paper[…]

scientific name

How to Write Scientific Names

Understanding the rules for writing a scientific name The use of precise terminology is essential in scientific writing. The existing system of taxonomy enables authors to adopt standard scientific terms. The naming and categorization of animals and plants have been conducted for thousands of years; however, early attempts were not systematic. Devising a universal system Read more about How to Write Scientific Names[…]

scientific name

How to Write Scientific Names (Part 1)

Understanding the rules for writing a scientific name The use of precise terminology is essential in scientific writing. The existing system of taxonomy enables authors to adopt standard scientific terms. Naming and categorization of animals and plants have been conducted for thousands of years; however, early attempts were not systematic. Devising a universal system for Read more about How to Write Scientific Names (Part 1)[…]

wiring clearly

Writing Clearly

Writing clearly means presenting your argument and evidence logically and creatively. If you put your noteworthy arguments in embellished prose, it might not attract enough attention. But it should be noted that clear writing needs effort. In addition to a knowledge of basic grammar and syntax, it requires a good ear, a sense of proportion, Read more about Writing Clearly[…]

paper editing

Why Should I Use Paper Editing Services? Types of Editing Proofreading Our services include several forms of editing. Among them is proofreading, involving reviewing the paper only for typos, spellings, and grammar mistakes, as well as formatting inconsistencies. Line Editing In line editing, the sentences are rewritten. The style of the language, the flow of the article, and word choice are also addressed. Read more about Why Should I Use Paper Editing Services?[…]

How to Write an Abstract?

Researchers write abstracts to make a selection of their work for presentation at scientific gatherings such as conferences and seminars. Writing a good abstract is not an easy task and many young researchers have no idea how to summarize the results of so many months of work into 300 to 400 words. Nonetheless, mastering the Read more about How to Write an Abstract?[…]

Writing a Research Article

Writing a Research Article

 After you have completed your study and got your conclusion, you want to inform the world about your findings. In order to do that you must extract a research article from your study and submit it to the right journal. As you may already know, the articles have the basic IMRAD structure (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). In some Read more about Writing a Research Article[…]

research background

Writing the Background of Your Study

What Is the Background of the Research and How Should It Be Written? The background of the research is one of the most important components of a research paper. The quality of the background determines whether the reader will be interested in continuing to study your research or not. Therefore, if you want to make Read more about Writing the Background of Your Study[…]

abstract vs.introduction

Differences Between Abstract and Introduction of a Research Paper

The essential difference between abstract and introduction is that the abstract is a short summary of your entire study in this order: The objective of study, methods, results and conclusion. It shows the high points of your study plus a very brief background information.  The introduction, on the other hand contains only some elements of Read more about Differences Between Abstract and Introduction of a Research Paper[…]

article title

How to Develop an Effective Article Title?

The article title represents your manuscript content in a fewest possible words. Whether or not the readers read your work, an effective title instantly “sells” it to the reader. The title is crucial in drawing reader’s attention to your manuscript, especially if the searched database does not contain the abstract of the article. It should Read more about How to Develop an Effective Article Title?[…]

Key points of Formal Writing

Key points of Formal Writing (part 2)

In this part of the article, we will discuss the key characteristics of formal writing: 1) Narration 2) Vocabulary 3) Grammar and structure 4) Personality 5) Conjunctions and Contractions 6) Punctuation These are the things you should consider when writing academic articles, and we will talk about them in detail. Below, we will outline the role of Read more about Key points of Formal Writing (part 2)[…]

scientific writing

10 Commandments of Writing an Attractive Paper (Part 2)

5 the abstract of the article is also as important as the title. Sometimes a reader decides whether to read an article or not only based on the abstract. No matter how valuable and relevant a piece of information is, if it is not mentioned in the abstract, it will not attract the reader.

edit academic paper,edit paper English,research paper editing

Writing a medical article

An article is the byproduct of a research project written to inform the community of researchers about the project and avoid the performance of simultaneous similar studies. In this regard, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors presented a framework for research articles to enhance the quality of medical science and consistency among the medical researchers. Although the medical findings of the research can be presented in various formats, including case studies, a research article should generally have the following sections.

Some important points in accelerating article writing and getting published

Some important points in accelerating article writing and getting published

After submitting a manuscript to some journals, they ask you to suggest reviewers for your paper. It is recommended to do this because the editorial team may not find a suitable reviewer for your article so the reviewing process will take long. Do this even for journals that do not require it. Recommend some suitable Read more about Some important points in accelerating article writing and getting published[…]

Avoid ambiguity and redundancy

State promptly and clearly all the main items involved, ones including your key words. Then, when referring to these items use “this / these / such,” and offer more than just the pronoun: Save words by adding data: “This extremely effective program/model.” Make the text talk about the text itself English loves signposts, or connectives, Read more about Avoid ambiguity and redundancy[…]

General Advice for Non-Native Writers

Never translate: Of course, use your own language to take notes and write outlines. But word-for-word translation into English means that anyone’s mother tongue causes interference. This will damage your English grammar and your vocabulary. Some Finns can rapidly write letters and stories in correct, charming English, but when they write a text first in Finnish and then translate it, the result is awkward, unclear, and full of errors. […]