How to Find a Good Research Topic?

Research paper title

The first step in the research is to determine the title of the research. No researcher can begin research without specifying the title of the study. The title is the destination and the final design of the research. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points when choosing it:

Research paper title
  • The title of the research paper is better not to be very short, very long, or in question form, rather be brief, comprehensive, and expressive.
  • It is better to use such words as investigation, presentation of the model, study, design, and analysis, at the beginning of the title.
  • It is better to imply the dependent and independent variables in the title of the research.
  • A research paper title should have novelty.
  • A research paper title should be worth researching and pursuing.
  • The researcher must be able to carry out the research.
  • The subject of the research must be within the expertise field of the researcher.
  • The subject of the research should target the needs of society to facilitate the resolution of a problem in the community.
  • The topic of the research should be in line with the researcher’s interests.
  • The subject of the research must be practical and have the potential to be studied.
  • The title of the research paper should entail the aims of the study.
  • It is better to specify the research location and time period in the title of the research paper.

A good research topic should be feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, and relevant (FINER). Researchers can evaluate the problem of the study based on these five indicators. Read this article to know what each of them means.


Before researchers can decide on the research topic, they must make sure that they can do the research. The following are some of the effective factors:

  • Research subjects should be available during a specific period.
  • Required research equipment and materials should be available to researchers at the research center.
  • Researchers must have the necessary practical experience.
  • The cost and location of the research should be clear and commensurate with the available financial resources.
  • Research objectives should not be too many and too vague. First, the researchers must determine the primary goal and focus on that. Then, if it is possible, it should be expanded based on the main goal of the project. This is possible by setting secondary goals that produce valuable results. Also, see this article.

Being Interesting

The research topic should be interesting for researchers and the scientific community. If researchers do not have enough enthusiasm for the research topic, it may not be possible to successfully conduct the research project.


The researcher should be familiar with the newly published articles in the field of research. Moreover, the research should lead to new findings. The novelty of the research topic does not mean that it should not have been worked on before. The prefix “re” in the word “Research” conveys the concept of searching again. The growth of knowledge happens gradually and step by step. The question is not whether this study is unique or not, but whether it adds something to the current body of knowledge. Adding to the previous body of research will help to confirm or reject them (especially if there is a weakness in the original study), or add new information to them.

Ethical Considerations

The first step in choosing a research topic is to consider all the aspects of ethical issues. The existence of some ethical problems in research shows that it should not be performed. If the subjects of the research are humans, consider the following:

  • If the subject of research is a new experiment or procedure, there must be evidence that the new method is better than the previous one.
  • Before the subject is exposed to a new drug or a new method, sufficient data must be collected from studies on animals or a small group of people, confirming its safety and potential effectiveness. Clinical trials that have followed ethical standards are advancing step by step. They start with a small number of subjects, and if the results of each stage are successful, the research proceeds to the next stage.
  • It is unjustifiable to perform clinical trials in a country or society where it is unlikely to be helpful. For example, drugs that are unlikely to be available in that country’s market should not be tested there. So do not forget this in the research of pharmaceutical and international companies.
  • Research should not conflict with cultural values, religious beliefs, and the laws of society. The test must first be on animals, and the preliminary results be determined. Suppose the research involves conducting experiments on volunteer humans (whose participation is non-beneficial). In that case, the study should be done only if it is impossible to achieve this information in any other way, and the goal is to reach new scientific findings and new therapies.
  • The researchers should justify studying and testing on animals should. Laboratory biological systems with computer-simulated models should be used as alternatives to animal models if possible. Animal testing should help advance knowledge or be an essential step before performing a human experiment.


This indicator asks, “What is the test for?” For a research project to be relevant, it must be able to advance science, affect the clinical management of a disease or health policy, or help conduct further research.

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