How to write a thesis? (Part 2)

3. Choose a Topic Carefully

Finding a subject should be based on a specific purpose. Choosing a topic comes from a good idea and in order to find a good idea you have to study well. Don’t expect to get a good idea and topic with a few days of reviewing a few theses and scientific reference sites.

To find a good topic you need to take your time and study various subjects, depending on the subject of study and degree. You can seek help from students of higher levels and benefit from their experiences. Also, interacting with industrial, service, scientific, and educational institutions, engineers, consultants, artistic/non-artistic, and even medical professionals can help you with finding a proper topic.

Remember, we live in a global village of 2 billion Internet users, a world where everything is interconnected. Interdisciplinary sciences have entered the realm of human life today, and the boundaries of knowledge, are not as clear as they were in 19th century. For example, as a student of sociology, you can study the role of conceptual clothing in future lifestyles.

At first it may seem that appearance, fashion and clothing have nothing to do with sociology. But the job of a graduate student or doctorate is to find the seemingly invisible meanings. So, be very careful when choosing a topic.

4.Use English References

In any field of study, there is a list of academic and non-academic scientific resources in English that can be used to write a good, practical thesis. First identify these important resources in your field and create a folder on your computer to categorize the articles and e-books related to the thesis topic to optimize your content management.

The more you use credible resources, the more valuable your work will be. The reader of a thesis trusts a thesis that gives 1 or more scientific references in every paragraph than the thesis that has a total of 6 references in each chapter. You can use Scopus, Emerald and Science Direct for this purpose.

5. Do Not Commit Plagiarism

The concept of “plagiarism” must be taken seriously. Anyone who wants to be a true student in sciences will not steal someone else’s intellectual property.  Usually those who do plagiarism or pay others to write a thesis for them are neither ideological nor creative.

Research, like all other things (cooking, sewing, driving, caring, etc.), is a difficult job and requires patience, precision and training. So buying a thesis will not help anyone to learn anything.

6. A Good Thesis Comes With Good References

Those who are professionals at writing theses and prominent scholars usually judge a good thesis based on its good and new references. It is better to make use of scholarly papers and reviewed articles in writing your thesis. Besides, these references should be new.

International reviewers and abroad university administration teams are paying close attention to this topic which seems very typical and regard it as one of the hidden criteria in student selection. Always try to download and review good references in your field of study to keep up with current scientific trends and international citations.

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