What is an ethical code

What Is an Ethical Code and For Which Research Project Is It Necessary?

What Is an Ethical Code? Ethical code is a guide of principles. Others design it to help professionals conduct business honestly and with integrity. Ethical code, also referred to as a “code of ethics”, may encompass various areas, such as business ethics, a code of professional practice, and an employee code of conduct.  A code Read more about What Is an Ethical Code and For Which Research Project Is It Necessary?[…]


What Is ORCID ID and Why Every Scholar Should Have One?

What is ORCID ID? Maybe you have come across the term ORCID while submitting articles to prestigious journals. ORCID ID is a unique digital identifier that distinguishes a researcher from any other researcher with the same or similar name. ORCID, or Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a 16-character alphanumeric code assigned exclusively to an Read more about What Is ORCID ID and Why Every Scholar Should Have One?[…]

laboratory work

6 Tips to Get Back to Laboratory Work After a Long Career Break

Many researchers who get back to laboratory work after a long career break do not recall everything they used to do in the laboratory. Be sure that many people experience academic gaps for various reasons, such as the birth of a child, financial problems, work issues, or emergencies. You are not alone on this path. Read more about 6 Tips to Get Back to Laboratory Work After a Long Career Break[…]

Science Communicator

8 Ways to Be a Good Science Communicator and Promote Your Research

Have you ever struggled to explain a complex scientific concept to your friends or family? We all know how important scientific concepts are and their importance is undeniable. However, a large group of people is unaware of the importance of being aware of scientific concepts. If people knew a lot about the COVID-19 pandemic, this Read more about 8 Ways to Be a Good <a>Science Communicator</a> and Promote Your Research[…]

OJS system

What Is the OJS System?

OJS stands for Open Journal System and is an open source publication management software used by many scientific journals around the world. DoNotEdit Company has the ability to install and support OJS software to manage the publication of open texts. If you want to get acquainted with the services of this software and the various Read more about What Is the OJS System?[…]

Implications in Research

What are Implications in Research?

Manuscripts that do not mention the implications of the study are often rejected by journals. In this DoNotEdit article, we will tell you what constitutes the ‘implications’ of research, and why it is important to include research implications in your manuscript. Research implications: An overview Once you have outlined the key findings in your paper, Read more about What are Implications in Research?[…]

good researcher characteristics

The Top 5 Qualities of a Good Researcher

What are the characteristics of a good researcher? What makes a good researcher? Does the researcher have an innate and indescribable genius or can they acquire and practice skills to become a good researcher? If it was just the former, then there would be far fewer innovations in the history of humankind than there have Read more about The Top 5 Qualities of a Good Researcher[…]

Scientific Conference or workshop

4 Reasons You Should Organize a Scientific Conference or Workshop

Researchers often focus on laboratory work and publishing their papers. This makes them forget the most important part of a successful career: professional networking! One of the ways to leave the laboratory and meet new colleagues is to organize a scientific conference or workshop. Differences between Scientific Conference and Workshop Conferences are usually larger events Read more about 4 Reasons You Should Organize a Scientific Conference or Workshop[…]

Research Impact Create Global Impact

What is Research Impact? And How Can You Create Global Impact with Your Research?

As a researcher, you may dream of bringing a change to the world. You definitely want to make changes in the world with your research work so that these changes will benefit the societies and people of the world. You want to use the impact of your research to benefit the world. Most researchers are Read more about What is Research Impact? And How Can You Create Global Impact with Your Research?[…]

How Does Plagiarism Detector Work

Reliable and Affordable Plagiarism Detector for Students in 2022

Our senior year master’s paper has been rejected by a reputable journal! The journal editors said they found a lot of plagiarized content. Has he ever used a plagiarism detector? There are many tools on the Internet to detect plagiarism in articles. Now he has to work on his paper again and go through the Read more about Reliable and Affordable Plagiarism Detector for Students in 2022[…]

4 Reasons for the Importance of Research Limitations

Writing Limitations of Research Study: 4 Reasons for the Importance of Research Limitations

It is a common occurrence for researchers to encounter the research limitations. The limitations of writing research papers are often assumed to be the deadening problems of research work. However, when it comes to research studies, limitations can help to structure the research study better. Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of research study limitations. Read more about Writing Limitations of Research Study: 4 Reasons for the Importance of Research Limitations[…]

Conference publications journal publications

Are Conference publications as valuable as journal publications?

The goal of almost every academic is to publish their work in a peer-reviewed journal with a high impact factor. Publishing articles in journals provides university students and researchers a better chance of promotion and funding. Conferences can be used for the promotion of your research and you should know that they are not only Read more about Are Conference publications as valuable as journal publications?[…]

pre-print repositories

Why Researchers Should Use Pre-Print Repositories?

Publishing articles are important for researchers because of two main reasons. Firstly, publishing articles help researchers to achieve identification for the importance of their pieces of research and become famous in their respective fields. Secondly, through this, they can obtain fellowship or their favorite positions in crafts or university. It is noteworthy that publishing articles Read more about Why Researchers Should Use Pre-Print Repositories?[…]

up to date researcher

Three Reasons Why You Should Stay Up to Date on the Newest Research in Your Field

Every day, a variety of research papers are released, covering all of the latest breakthroughs in several subjects. According to Scopus data, global S&E publishing production has increased at a rate of about 4% per year on average since 2008, going from 1.8 million to 2.6 million articles. This makes it extremely difficult for a Read more about Three Reasons Why You Should Stay Up to Date on the Newest Research in Your Field[…]

highly cited research

Highly Cited Research

Publishing a research paper is no longer enough to build a name for oneself in academia. In academia, your reputation as a scientist is determined by the number and quality of articles you produce. However, it is also dependent on the number of citations. Citations recognize the scientist who made the discovery and first published Read more about Highly Cited Research[…]


Communicating your key ideas through your paper (Final)

Discussion  A strong discussion section of an article expands the specific results to include their broader implications and ties them with the general background of the study to maximize the paper’s efficiency. So, you should move “back and forth” between the discussion and the introduction sections of the paper. Should and should nots State whether Read more about Communicating your key ideas through your paper (Final)[…]


Writing the acknowledgements section of a research paper

The general belief is that the acknowledgements section of a typical research paper is the easiest part to write. This is why most books on writing research papers often skip this section. Nonetheless, acknowledgements can be quite tricky. Forgetting to acknowledge people whom you should have acknowledged, runs the risk of offending them. However, even Read more about Writing the acknowledgements section of a research paper[…]

research data

Do you need to publish your research data? The new trend of data journals (Part 2)

Why should I publish my data? There are several reasons why a researcher should consider publishing their data. With the crisis of reproducibility, data sharing can reduce the need for duplication of experiments in the scientific community. If you publish your data, others can review your data, research methods, and analysis in detail, and possibly Read more about Do you need to publish your research data? The new trend of data journals (Part 2)[…]

Research Questionnaire

14 Tips for Designing a Survey/Research Questionnaire

All researchers need a range of data for analysis. Questionnaires and surveys are essential tools for collecting this information. These tools can be used not only in a clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of medications, but also in statistical analysis to examine how people adapt to allergies. Such questionnaires and surveys can help you Read more about 14 Tips for Designing a Survey/Research Questionnaire[…]


What is a Crossmark?

Crossmark is a multi-publisher initiative by CrossRef and provides a standard way for readers to find an authoritative copy of a document. We all know the importance of the completeness of a scientific background for researchers and librarians. The Crossmark index keeps readers informed of the current status of a document and provides additional information Read more about What is a Crossmark?[…]

article rejection

10 Reasons Why Elsevier Journals Reject Your Article (Final)

Why was my article rejected? Even if your article passes the technical screening stage, you still have something to worry about. Peer reviewers will evaluate your article to make sure you meet the standards of Elsevier journals. It is up to the peer reviewers to identify and review content issues. Some common problems that can Read more about 10 Reasons Why Elsevier Journals Reject Your Article (Final)[…]


10 Reasons Why Elsevier Journals Reject Your Article (part 1)

Publishing an article is an essential part of a researcher’s professional success. But publishing an article in influential and reputable journals can be a challenge. All authors feel frustrated when reputable journals reject their articles. However, if this happens to you, you should know that you are not alone. Influential journals, like Elsevier, are infamous Read more about 10 Reasons Why Elsevier Journals Reject Your Article (part 1)[…]


How to Select a Translation Service for Your Academic Paper

Over the years, English has become the unofficial lingua franca of the research community. Unfortunately, the articles written in languages other than English are read by fewer people. But this gap between English and non-English articles can be bridged. Today you can easily find many translation service providers online. However, translating academic papers requires a Read more about How to Select a Translation Service for Your Academic Paper[…]

manuscript withdraw

Manuscript Withdrawal after Submission

When the article submission process is completed, the next step is the initial review by the journal editor and then the peer review. You will have to wait for their response during this process. However, in some cases, you may want to withdraw your article. Our experience shows that the most common reasons include: 1. Read more about Manuscript Withdrawal after Submission[…]

cited article

How to Know if Your Article is “Highly Cited”? (Part 1)

Nowadays, the mere publication of research is not enough to make a mark in academia. In the academic world, your reputation as a scientist depends on the quality and quantity of your publications and how many times it has been cited. Citation causes the reputation of scientists who made a discovery and were the first Read more about How to Know if Your Article is “Highly Cited”? (Part 1)[…]

graphical abstract

Presentation of Results Through Graphical Abstract

Graphical abstracts are used to summarize the results of an article in a small package so that the person reading the article can see the results at a glance without having to read the entire text. Most articles keep the abstract to a maximum of 250 words (some journals require less). Many readers just want Read more about Presentation of Results Through Graphical Abstract[…]

journal publishing

From Thesis to a Journal Article: Tips for Being Published in PubMed (final)

A Step-by-Step Guide to Presentation and Publishing on PubMed Once your article is ready, the next step is publishing the article in the target journal. In addition, for many researchers and authors, indexing their articles on PubMed is a high priority. There are several ways to submit an article to PubMed. PubMed-indexed journals may submit Read more about From Thesis to a Journal Article: Tips for Being Published in PubMed (final)[…]

journal publishing

From Thesis to a Journal Article: Tips for Being Published in PubMed (Part 1)

Researchers want to publish their dissertation immediately after defending it. Publication in credible journals archived by PubMed is a dream come true for any researcher. Published articles hosted by PubMed act as a measurable standard of your research success. However, being published in a journal immediately after writing a dissertation is not an easy task. Read more about From Thesis to a Journal Article: Tips for Being Published in PubMed (Part 1)[…]


Some Tips on How to Get a Patent for Your Research (final)

3. Perform a Thorough Search for the Patent Before filing a patent, you must make sure that this innovation is not anticipated in any other way before you take action. You can perform a comprehensive patent search to confirm this. There are several ways to identify existing patents: 1. You can search reputable databases, such Read more about Some Tips on How to Get a Patent for Your Research (final)[…]


Some Tips on How to Get a Patent for Your Research

Obtaining a patent is one of the most important ways to protect intellectual property. To succeed and stay on top of the game, companies need to differentiate themselves from their competitors based on their intellectual property portfolios. A patent prevents your competitors from producing, using, distributing, or improving your innovation in a country or countries Read more about Some Tips on How to Get a Patent for Your Research[…]

journal rejection

Journal Rejections: How Common Are They?

Irrespective of the researcher’s scientific profession, it is very common to be rejected by journals. The acceptance and rejection rate of scientific journals is an important criterion for choosing a journal for submission. However, information on the acceptance (or rejection) rates of journals is rarely available. There are significant differences between different disciplines. For example, Read more about Journal Rejections: How Common Are They?[…]


Why is Copyright Licensing and Attribution Important to Researchers?

Copyright is a legal document for authors that protects their work from being used by others without their consent and reference. Copyright has a limited duration (up to 100 years after the author’s death) and its own legal requirements (usually depending on the country). Although there are specific international agreements to protect the work around Read more about Why is Copyright Licensing and Attribution Important to Researchers?[…]

research paper structure

The structure of a research paper

Academic papers are written based on a conventional pattern of format and language. In fact, most journals provide authors with guidelines for font type, font size, margin, spacing, etc. They can also have specific guidelines about the outline and structure of the article. In addition, some journals might have rules about the structure of each Read more about The structure of a research paper[…]


ResearchGate Removed 1.7 Million Articles in a Copyright Dispute

ResearchGate finally surrendered to the copyright violation charges after a dispute with publication giants, such as Elsevier and Wiley. It was decided that this site should restrict access to approximately 1.7 million online articles. The publishers considered this a great victory on their side. Read this post to find out more about ResearchGate and its Read more about ResearchGate Removed 1.7 Million Articles in a Copyright Dispute[…]

opinion article

What is an Opinion Article?

Article writing A valuable scientific paper entails at least one of the following options: It can be said that an article is the scientific expression of a “new word” that crosses over the current boundaries of knowledge and opens new horizons for humanity to dominate the current sciences. People write opinion articles to share their Read more about What is an Opinion Article?[…]

Paper mills

Paper Mills: A Rising Concern in the Academic Community

A good publication record is one of the essential criteria for promotion, becoming a faculty member, and earning grants for future projects. The pressure to publish more articles leads the researchers towards engagement in unethical practices, such as buying fake research papers. Academic fraud, including data distortion, image manipulation, and fake peer review, has plagued Read more about Paper Mills: A Rising Concern in the Academic Community[…]

online defense session

Virtual Defense: Tips for Successfully Defending Your Thesis Online

Defending a master’s or doctoral thesis is an important event that you have been anticipating for years. This is the day you want to proudly share your work with anyone who has been a part of this adventure. Supervisors and colleagues are eager to hear the main applications and key concepts of your research. Everything Read more about Virtual Defense: Tips for Successfully Defending Your Thesis Online[…]


How do Find the Perfect Research Co-author?

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of articles written by several authors in various academic disciplines. The knowledge that is shared in teams expands the scope of science. Collaborating and co-writing with other researchers has many benefits. For instance, it makes the research more efficient because each writer brings his/her expertise into Read more about How do Find the Perfect Research Co-author?[…]

Fast Publication

Need Fast Publication? Read This Article

During the COVID-19 epidemic, the need for fast publication of papers was felt more urgent than before. There are obvious benefits to publishing research results as soon as possible. For instance, researchers can share important discoveries with each other and with the general public around the world. At best they can help the efforts made Read more about Need Fast Publication? Read This Article[…]

negative results

Can Negative Results Be Significant?

Any scientific research involves testing a hypothesis through an experiment. If the results of the experiment support the hypothesis, it is considered positive and worthy of publication. However, if the results of the experiment contradict the expectations of the researchers, it means that the hypothesis was wrong. These findings are called negative results and most journals do Read more about Can Negative Results Be Significant?[…]