Statistical test

7 Essential Ways to Choose the Right Statistical Test

What are Statistical Tests? Statistical tests are the mathematical methods used to determine whether two sets of data are significantly different from each other. To do this, statistical tests use several statistical measures such as mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation. Once the statistical measures are calculated, the statistical test compares them with a Read more about 7 Essential Ways to Choose the Right Statistical Test[…]

What Is Statistical Validity

What Is Statistical Validity? Understanding Trends in Validating Research Data

In this DoNotEdit article, we will review recent trends in the statistical validity of research data. If you want to know how to increase the visibility of your research paper with the help of SEO, click here. With an aim to understand, analyze, and draw conclusions based on large amounts of data that are often Read more about What Is Statistical Validity? Understanding Trends in Validating Research Data[…]

Statistical analysis

Statistical Errors to Avoid When Writing Your Manuscript

Research, reproducibility, and reliability. These are the keywords when it comes to good science. As scientists, we try to prove that our results are significantly different. My colleague wished there was a “Journal of Negative Results,” a journal in which tests that did not work were published. Therefore, people would not spend their time trying Read more about Statistical Errors to Avoid When Writing Your Manuscript[…]

Tips on Data Collection During Quarantine

People all around the world are experiencing the life in quarantine and it can change the course of events greatly for them. The lock-down has closed the lab doors suddenly and we don’t know when they will be opened again. This has prevented many researchers from accomplishing their research projects. However, it is a good Read more about Tips on Data Collection During Quarantine[…]

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Sample size determination

Sample size determination is an important step in conducting research since it should provide the necessary information about the population of the study. In case the sample size is smaller than expected, the obtained results of the study cannot be generalized to the target population. On the other hand, the larger the sample size the more precise the findings. However, it is not usually possible to have a large sample size due to research limitations, such as cost, time, or the convenience of collecting the data. There are different approaches to calculating the sample size:

Regardless of the employed method of sample size determination, it is worth considering the following points:

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Sample size determination depends on the type of the main variables of the study whether qualitative or quantitative. In fact, a smaller size of the sample is required when the variables are qualitative.

A smaller sample size is required in interventional studies when the intervention is strong enough. When the study is descriptive commonly the larger groups are expected to reach the best results.

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    Nonprobability sampling

    Nonprobability sampling is a type of sampling, where members of the sample are not chosen randomly. Unlike probability sampling, all members of the population do not have an equal chance of being selected for the study. As a result, the obtained results of such studies cannot be generalized to the members of the target population. Read more about Nonprobability sampling[…]

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    Probability Sampling

    In general, sampling is conducted in two types of probability sampling and non-probability sampling. In probability sampling there is an equal chance for all members of a population to be selected for the study. Therefore, each member has a known chance of being randomly chosen in the sample. The types of probability sampling are presented below.


    Studies without control groups

    There is a type of research conducted without any control groups. These studies cannot be considered trials and are mostly employed to investigate a method of diagnosis rather than examining the effect of a treatment or drug. The main disadvantage of these studies is that the researchers may consider their own method as the best available method since there is no comparison.


    The use and importance of variables:

    The research intends to achieve goals. To pursue the goals, you need variables that make the process of goal setting possible to identify which results in the achievement of the goals. The variables are from diffent types in term of their relationship with each other and also in term of their type of measurement.
